
Fury is created from perceiving major injustice.

The inner eyebrows pull tightly inwards and down as if to touch each other. Being stretched down and inwards, the forehead follows the eyebrows and wrinkles towards the centre. Rising on the edges with increasing escalation, the eyebrows contort. The heart rate increases rapidly to a fast and steady pace. Breathing is heavy to oxygenate the bloodstream and muscles. The mouth is closed as the jaw is tensed, and the nostrils flare to improve airflow to and from the lungs. The mind is concentrated on the object of offence. Blood flow to the hands and face is increased, preparing for the fight, which can result in them turning reddish. The shoulder, chest, spine and hip muscles all contract to lift the torso and create a firm posture from which to strike or evade a blow.
There is a tremendous conviction present in the mind of a furious person. Intense and steady, the eyes glare with resoluteness. The movement of the neck is restricted from tightening neck muscles.

Anger is created by a perception of injustice.1 Fury can be seen as a reaction that stems from a perception of something majorly unjust. Thus, it is a natural reaction to serious injustice and abuse. If people are feeling furious, it’s a sign that on some level they have perceived something is seriously wrong.
Nevertheless, feeling furious is no licence to automatically and immediately vent furious feelings at people. Perceptions can be wrong and are often inaccurate to some degree. Making an effort to adjust perceptions to best fit the reality of the situation is often necessary. As there can be serious consequences for those it’s unleashed on, fury needs to be appropriate. Being unreasonable will lead people to treat others unfairly by being too furious, or by letting bad things happen from not being furious enough.
A good thing to keep in mind regarding fury is “doing whatever it takes” to stop abusive behaviour, for this attitude is reasonable. Anything beyond this would be unreasonable and would be considered an offence itself.
Fury is a necessary emotion to combat forms of serious abuse. It can be considered on a sliding scale with anger at the start and ferocity at the end.

Anger – Fury – Ferocity

Fury remains for as long as a perception of serious wrong doing remains. It energises the actions of those who combat injustice over extended periods. People can be motivated to action by fury. They can be motivated to communicate the serious injustice they have experienced. Extended court room battles that last for years can be motivated by fury, and the fury does not subside until justice is done.

The Romans used Furiae (or Furies) as the collective name for female avenging deities sent from Tartarus (the underworld) to punish criminals; this is the origin of the word fury.
When people feel fury, it’s important that they check their perceptions to clarify exactly what is seriously wrong. Is it an accurate perception of reality? Is too much being read into the situation? When people get furious with others in their day-to-day lives, it can cause much upset. People may feel betrayed if someone close to them treats them with fury for no good reason. Being too furious potentially leads to abusive behaviour as rough justice emerges.

Sometimes people may feel furious for a reason that evades them. They can use the feelings as solid evidence that at some level they have perceived something seriously offensive. The talent is not to dismiss the feelings as irrelevant, but find what has unconsciously been recognised. The feelings may originate from an outmoded or inherited belief that is partially or wholly not applicable to the situation. The inappropriate perception will then be reasoned out. Although, the feelings may also be an intuitive sign, issued from deep neurological networks, that something has been consciously missed; something that needs to stop.


Latin. Furia = violent passion, rage, madness. The Romans used Furiae to translate ancient Greek. Erinyes, the collective name for the avenging deities sent from Tartarus to punish criminals.

1. Suggestive of extreme anger in action or appearance.